Sunday, May 23, 2010


As we go through life we are faced with millions of choices, some more important than others! I have the tendency to analyze everything and base my choices on what's best for everybody, specially for my family. I also don't like to be rushed,off course, so that I have enough time to analyze...
It's a vicious circle...

But, today I was faced with a choice, a very difficult choice indeed, based on my own feelings and without much time to analyze...
"No more pretending!" I was being told...
How do you end a relationship of over 35 years in less than a minute, even if that relationship is already sick?
Memories were coming back in a flash and as I was making my decision to end, we were going over the reasons why we should maintain that relationship.Those reasons weren't enough for me anymore!
So, when I heard the "No more pretending" for the second time, I realized that there was nothing else to be said except...
                         I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD LIFE, FATIMA!


  1. Sometimes we have to let it go, despite we still think we can help...

    Another brave post... not surprising to me, my brave Sis.

    Love you.


  2. Wow! This is a brave post. I wish I could be so brave as to voice my thoughts about splits that occur in life. I can certainly identify! Friends & spouses have had to go because "pretending" just doesn't work! Good luck & happy adventures without Fatima.
